4 Ways To Reduce Pain From Whiplash Through Chiropractic Treatment

4 Ways To Reduce Pain From Whiplash Through Chiropractic Treatment

4 Ways To Reduce Pain From Whiplash Through Chiropractic Treatment

10 July 2019
, Blog

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries that occur in a vehicle accident. Whiplash happens when a person's neck suddenly jerks backwards and forwards. This results in neck muscle strain and soreness. What happens is that the neck muscles are hyperextended beyond their natural position, causing soreness that lasts a long time. Whiplash can also occur when playing a sport, when experiencing a fall, or even when dancing. Whenever heavy impact causes your head to violently move forwards and backwards, your neck muscles are likely to become strained.

The good news is that chiropractic treatment exists for whiplash, and the treatment involves easing the tension and strain around your neck muscles. Here are four ways this can happen.  

Reducing Inflammation with Ultrasound Treatment

The strain around your neck muscles is likely to result in inflammation. This is what will primarily cause discomfort and pain during daily living. A chiropractor may use ultrasound to identify areas of inflammation and ease the associated discomfort.

When experiencing neck pain, any treatment techniques used should be targeted, specific and with a minimal margin of error. This is why ultrasound technology is useful for identifying areas where your neck muscles may be strained.

Stretching the neck muscles to relieve stiffness

As with any other injury involving a muscle strain, chiropractors can strategically stretch your neck muscles to relieve tension. This will involve a combination of massage therapy, gentle stretching and physical activity to prevent stiffness.

In some cases, whiplash may also cause discomfort around the shoulders, head and jaws. Stretching your neck muscles will ease such tension and restore normal movement after some time.

Using ice to reduce swelling

Whiplash may also cause swelling to occur at or near the neck muscles. Swelling may result in many different complications, including headaches, limited motion and even muscle spasms.

A chiropractor can help you reduce swelling by using ice treatment. This involves placing ice packs near the affected muscles for periods of 5 to 15 minutes. Between each ice treatment, the muscles are allowed to relax for a similar period. Your chiropractor may also recommend gentle neck movements to ease the swelling and discomfort.

Careful manipulation of spinal tissue

If your whiplash was severe and it affected your spinal cord, treatment may involve careful spinal manipulation. This may be done using a combination of special chiropractic tools or strategic movements. And if a disc was affected, it may need to be gradually repositioned to reduce discomfort.    

For more information, reach out to a chiropractor.

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Backache Be Gone

Back pain can cripple you, especially when it is chronic. It can also leave you unable to work or carry out your daily responsibilities. I should know. I lived, and worked, with an undiagnosed back problem for just over a year. I was in constant pain, sleep deprived and barely had enough energy to get through each day. Fortunately, one visit to a chiropractor not only reduced the pain I was in, but also helped me to realize that it was my lazy posture while sitting at work that had caused the issue. If your back is leaving you in agony each day, you could benefit from a chiropractor. Join me on my blog as I share important information that I hope will equip you with the knowledge you need to begin your recovery.
